Please Don’t Settle

Not in a job you hate, not in a town where you don’t feel at home, not with friendships that aren’t real, and especially, especially not with love.

You deserve someone who will smile at your silly jokes, who will kiss your forehead when you’ve had a long day, and who will absentmindedly reach for your hand across the center console when he’s driving, just because he wants to feel your fingers twisted with his.

You deserve a guy who doesn’t just spend the night, but spends the morning. Who cooks your favorite chocolate chip waffles with peanut butter and brings them on a tray to your bed when you’re sick. Who hums your favorite song, off-key and awkward, just to make you laugh. Who takes you on a walk to his favorite hill in town, and kisses you as the sun sets.

You deserve a guy who doesn’t just spend the night, but spends the morning.

You are strong and gentle, determined and loving, complicated and kind, and you deserve someone who looks past your flaws and the way you curl your hair, and sees your beautiful heart.

So please, my sister, don’t settle. Don’t settle for the man who texts you at three in the morning, or only when you’re at a party without him, or only when you’re happy with someone else.

Don’t settle for the boy who plays mind games, who calls you hurtful names, who spins you around in his lies until you’re so dizzy and tired you just give in.

Don’t settle for the guy who sees only a face, only a body, because sweet girl, you will always be more than a body.

I know you might feel lost right now. You might be scared. You might be terrified of being lonely. And you might be thinking this is it, this is all there is. But I promise you, there’s so much more.

There will be a man whose fingers will trace the freckles on your cheeks and send goosebumps down your back. Whose arms will hold you during the fireworks on the fourth of July. Whose lips will taste like your Mike’s Hard Lemonade because he won’t stop kissing you. Whose smile will make your head spin like you’re drunk, but even better.

There will be a man who will answer your calls, who will take you on dates, who will, despite the distance and despite the childish boys of your past, truly love you, choose you. Every. Single. Day.

So please promise me this: That you will hold out for him. That you won’t settle for the cheapened version of love. That you won’t kiss away the unsatisfied taste on your tongue. That you won’t go to bed next to someone else, wishing for more.

There will be more. So much more.

Don’t settle for anything less than excitement and jumping beans in the pit of your stomach. Nothing less than forever. Nothing less than knowing, beyond on a doubt that this is love.

Because I promise, you’ll find it. And it will be more beautiful than you ever imagined.

By Marissa Donnelly – Thought Catalog




“A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.”


My mind: fairy tale w/o The End. Life work: bourbon brownies. All that’s needed: Love. And tulips.

The funny thing is…

…I’ll give it a month. No, a week or two. To meet another guy. I’m pretty good at just picking myself up and trying again.

So after Oxford (who was after…well…) I met a Catholic guy, at a Protestant church. When I first saw him at the Welcome desk, I was dying inside to think of something/anything to get him talking to me. He wasn’t perfectly, stereo-typically drop dead gorgeous, but to me he was so handsome, and tall, and strong and protective looking. I just sensed, this guy could make me happy. Somehow (cute story including his give me a blush inducing hug) we did start talking… went on for 20 min and exchanged FB info and a promise to send each other stuff. The next day I sent him an invite to a Bible Study I had started on meet up and he starts sending me multiple voice messages with cute compliments and asking me when we can meet again. Fast forward a month of him and I talking through voice messages (hundreds), texts, phone calls, all day and night every day practically and him continuing to invite me to meet to discuss things with him or do stuff with his friends. One week I was going through stressful stuff and he sent me relaxing music to listen to and keeps checking  up on me and all along he’s initiating mostly everything.  So my head is totally spinning because I’m liking this guy.  I was sooo happy.  I was overwhelmed by the attention and nervous because… He’s Catholic and I’m Protestant and how in the world is this going to work? I was doing everything right in terms of behaving like a High Value Woman who understands that Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus and otherwise letting him pursue me and declaring my standards and needs. And then, on a day I couldn’t be happier, I hear it in his voice on a voice message before he says it. Something that’s gonna hurt. “So I wanted to tell you…” he’s courting a woman currently with the intention of marrying her. WTF. I don’t usually say that but no one reads this blog anyways. Idiot. I dumped him. Immediately. He literally thought we could continue on as before. I was like, “How is that respectful to her? Or me?” He was like well, I don’t think things are going to work out with her anyways, if I’m single again could we go back to talking? I’m like “So you know, you are just so young. That’s like saying I’ll be your second choice.” He’s like, No, no, we’d just be friends.

W. T. F.

I d i o t.